Celebrity Koi Pond Build in Hollywood, LA – Collaboration with Aquascape

A backyard with a house and trees.
One of the perks to being a Certified Aquascape Contractor is being invited to the cool events and unique pond builds all across North America.  On this occasion Tussey Landscaping was invited to participate in a pond build for YouTube star Logan Paul in LA. He just recently purchased a home in Hollywood, and mentioned in one of his videos that he wants to put in a koi pond. The phone of Greg Wittstock, owner of Aquascape, blew up with people telling him Aquascape should install one for him. 

So on the first week of December, a legion of CAC’s descended into LA, teamed up, and knocked out a gorgeous pond with a bridge, a beautiful stream, and bubbling urns. 

Logan Paul’s Backyard – BEFORE the Koi Pond

The event was originally planned as a two day build. But Logan couldn’t be there after noon on the second day, so the goal was to have it finished by 10 AM the following day. We got out the lights, rallied late into the night and got it 90% completed on the first day. There were many bone tired people that night, as a lot of them were from the East Coast with a 3 hr time difference. But it paid off. The pond was coming together nicely. 
The next morning the CAC team worked to finish up the details and clean up while Greg Wittstock and Logan Paul went to go pick out fish in the ‘Cool Bus’. Logan had not seen the pond yet. ​A big curtain was set up to hide the pond so that it couldn’t be seen from the house. When Greg and Logan arrived at the house with the fish, everyone gathered behind the curtain except for Logan and his gang, and the curtain was dropped for the dramatic reveal. 
As an additional surprise, Kamp Kenan was there from Florida to give him an albino soft shell Chinese turtle. Logan loved it and the turtle was added to the Maverick team. 
Logan was thrilled. His backyard now not only has a koi pond, but beautiful bubbling urns, waterfalls, and a bridge that crosses over to his gym. It really is a peaceful area. Enjoy the finished photos below. Let us know what you think in the comments!

Also, to see more content like this on Youtube, subscribe to Greg the Pond Guy!

Credit for some photos used in this article: California Waterscapes