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Full Property Landscape & Outdoor Living Space in Altoona, PA


This landscape project was installed at a new home in Altoona, PA. So when we showed up, there was virtually nothing. Just a brand new home. We had a clean slate. But… the property was large, and the homeowners had many ideas beyond what their current budget supported. So, no problem, we simply worked together to create the design that they envisioned, and once the design was created and approved, we chose what elements to complete first and what to hold off for future phases of the project. In this case, we decided to do the front of the home first, which included the front walkway with Techo-Bloc Blu 60 mm pavers, landscaping and trees, landscape lighting, and the water feature facing the driveway, greeting all who arrived at the home with a spectacular view.

 Phase 1

This was the Front Yard Phase of the project.

Phase 2

The following summer, we came back to install the first half of the backyard phase of mostly hardscaping. Which included natural flagstone walkways, natural stone steps, some drainage work, and landscaping.

Phase 3

The next summer (3rd time we were back), The 3rd and final phase consisted of a large entertaining patio and firepit, kind of set away from the rest of the backyard. Creating a destination point. Also included in this phase were more flagstone walkways and natural stone steps leading to the basement doors of the home. All of it was surrounded by landscaping and LED landscape lighting for nighttime enjoyment and beauty.

That completes this full property landscape design. This achieved many goals for this home. It beautified the front and gave a welcoming and inviting appearance. Next, it provided a large entertaining area in the backyard and completed a full outdoor living space.

  • Project ID: 7
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Altoona PA 16602